
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cogeneration Plant fire/dust explosion in Netherlands .

  • I'd like to thank Roger Bours Sales manager at Fike Europe in Antwerp Area, Belgium for sharing this news story with me so I can share with others in the ComDust network. It's extremely important in conducting risk analysis concerning ComDust hazards that an understanding of probability of occurrence throughout all industries is vital.

    Here is just one example where a situational proactive awareness will be helpful to all. To translate the entire article, I highly recommend the Google Toolbar, which has the translate function. In Dutch a dust explosion is referred to as a stofexplosie.

  • tags: cogeneration plant, dust explosion, Netherlands, stofexplosie

    Translations from Dutch of Excerpts

    • DE LIER – In een warmtekrachtcentrale aan de Hofzichtlaan is vrijdagmiddag een grote brand uitgebroken.
      • In a cogeneration plant to the Hofzichtlaan Friday is a major fire broke out. - post by comdust

    • Oorzaak van de brand is een stofexplosie in een bunker met zaagsel, dat als brandstof voor de warmtekrachtcentrale wordt gebruikt. Persoonlijke ongelukken deden zich niet voor.
      • Translation from Dutch "Cause of the fire is a dust in a bunker with sawdust, as fuel for cogeneration is used. Personal accident did not occur." - post by comdust

    • Omdat er gevaar bestond van nog meer stofexplosies werden bedrijven en een aantal vrijstaande woningen in de omgeving ontruimd
      • Because there is danger of further explosions were substance and a number of detached dwellings in the area evacuated - post by comdust

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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