
Thursday, October 29, 2009

OSHA State Plan States-Heads up

Interesting topic. Sort of a coincidence. Just recently heard a interesting story from a facility owner where OSHA combustible dust enforcement/inspection activities is stronger in one OSHA state plan state in contrast to weak in another state plan state across state lines. So Facility A is implementing costly best engineering practices to manage the combustible dust fire and explosion risk. Whereas Facility B, across state lines has minimal layers of protection.

This is all sort of like Déjà vu, when last year with a post on this subject," State Dust Emphasis Programs Voluntary," in regards to addressing combustible dust hazards.

Adoption ComDust NEP State Plan States

OSHA Combustible Dust ANPRM Discussions

With the recent posting in the Federal Register of the OSHA combustible dust proposed ruling ANPRM, the complex subject of combustible dust has come to the forefront as a workplace health and safety issue. I encourage all stakeholders to join the Combustible Dust Policy Institute Group discussions where many topics concerning managing the risk are discussed amongst business owners and fire/explosion safety experts. Your input in the discussions is extremely valuable in providing a framework of general consensus so as to develop comprehensive input during the OSHA ComDust ANPRM comment period.

The group is open to everyone and all ComDust group members look forward to your input. Thanks


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The information in is not meant to be a substitute for the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Federal Register, and other OSHA documents, which should serve as the primary source of regulatory guidance. The information on this site should not be used in place of appropriate technical or legal advice related to your company's specific circumstances. Combustible Dust Policy Institute tries to provide quality information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this web site and its associated sites. Combustible Dust Policy Institute has no liability arising from or relating to the use, interpretation, or application of the information or its accuracy or inaccuracy. Copyright notice: All materials in this site are copyrighted by the Combustible Dust Policy Institute. No materials may be directly or indirectly published, posted to Internet and intranet distribution channels, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed in any medium without permission.