
Sunday, May 13, 2012

British Columbia Combustible Dust Hazards Awareness Workshops

Workplace combustible dust related fires and explosions occur with alarming regularity in the global grain, mining, forestry and manufacturing sectors. Although the majority of incidents do not result in fatalities, injuries, or property damage, historically many of these non-consequential incidents have been precursors to catastrophic events.

The complex topic of combustible dust hazards recently came to the forefront in British Columbia when WorkSafeBC issued a directive order for all sawmills to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment resulting in an effective dust control program. 

In conjunction with FireWise Consulting Ltd., John Astad, Director and Research Analyst from the Combustible Dust Policy Institute (CDPI) will be presenting a series of one day Combustible Dust Hazards Awareness Workshops throughout British Columbia. The goal of the CDPI is to minimize the severity and reduce the occurrence of combustible dust related fires and explosions through research of combustible dust related incidents. For more information on the CDPI  view brochure here.

The Combustible Dust Hazards Awareness Workshop will provide stakeholders with the knowledge to minimize the probability of occurrence and severity of consequence of future combustible dust related incidents. In addition the workshop will assist stakeholders in developing a comprehensive dust control program as noted in the revised WorkSafeBC OHS Guidelines. Key aspects of the workshop are identifying, evaluating, and controlling combustible dust hazards in addition to providing guidance in conducting facility inspections and risk assessments.

Facility owners and managers concerns in reducing the probability of a catastrophic secondary dust explosion include good housekeeping, employee training, maintenance, and management of ignition sources. Prevention of future incidents begins with awareness of the problem and a robust hazard mitigation framework which consists of a facility risk assessment, written combustible dust program, and hazard communication.

This combustible dust workshop will discuss the importance of these topics and more in addition to the BC Fire Code referencing the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) combustible dust standards. NFPA best industry practices include engineering controls for deflagration suppression, deflagration isolation, and explosion venting in the mitigation of combustible dust explosions. The NFPA 664 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities provides excellent guidance in this area and is a key resource for the workshop.  Click here for a detailed course outline.


June 11, 2012  Prince George

June 12, 2012  Williams Lake

June 14, 2012  Vernon

June 18, 2012  Port Alberni

June 19, 2012 Township of Langley

Time: 0800 to 1600
Registration Fee: $149.00 plus tax (includes lunch)

Register on-line by clicking on the FireWise Consulting Registrations link or register by mail, e-mail or fax by printing and filling out the form at the following link: Registration Form


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©Copyright 2008-2012. Combustible Dust Policy Institute
The information in is not meant to be a substitute for the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Federal Register, and other OSHA documents, which should serve as the primary source of regulatory guidance. The information on this site should not be used in place of appropriate technical or legal advice related to your company's specific circumstances. Combustible Dust Policy Institute tries to provide quality information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this web site and its associated sites. Combustible Dust Policy Institute has no liability arising from or relating to the use, interpretation, or application of the information or its accuracy or inaccuracy. Copyright notice: All materials in this site are copyrighted by the Combustible Dust Policy Institute. No materials may be directly or indirectly published, posted to Internet and intranet distribution channels, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed in any medium without permission.